Bought a "new" tank this week for Baxter - the Tilapia butterkoferi. Knew I would be needing a 6ft. tank eventually for this little one, who is currently only about 5" but is growing like a weed and will reach about 14" of fury as they're infamous for. So I've been keeping and eye out for a good deal, and this was one HELL of a good deal! Baxter is now settling into the new digs. Checked it out when I was moving Baxter from the old tank to the new, and am pretty sure I have a female on my hands. I'm trying to find some tank mates for her, because a 6ft. tank with one 5" fish seems like a lot of wasted space for the time being! Lol. Given that she's a female, I'm hoping that maybe she'll be less aggressive than a male would be and might accept a tank mate long-term if they grow up together.
And you can see Talon's gorgeous little reflection in the second pic, lol. Admiring his beautiful self no doubt. He's rather stoked to have his tank entirely back to himself after I moved Vixen out (was divided in hopes of having them pair up) the same night I set this tank up.
And you can see Talon's gorgeous little reflection in the second pic, lol. Admiring his beautiful self no doubt. He's rather stoked to have his tank entirely back to himself after I moved Vixen out (was divided in hopes of having them pair up) the same night I set this tank up.