Beach Sand

I am going to set up a 10 gallon tank for my kids. I was wondering if I could use some of the sand from the local beaches here off Lake Michgan.

If so what would I have to do with it when I get it home..?

I like the way the sand looks on the beach and I already have some stones that would look good with it also....

I am just going to let my kids pick out some fish to keep in it so they will leave mine alone. I just wanted to know if the sand will work??


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I wouldn't trust sand to be clean from a beach/lake. I'd be worried about pollutants/oil/insecticides and everything else that gets dumped in waterways. If you do choose to use it, I'd soak it in bleach, followed by dechlorination and lots and lots of rinsing.

You can use play sand or sandblasting sand from Home Depot/Lowes, and it will only cost a couple of bucks. All you need to do is rinse before use. Sand is pretty commonly used in fish tanks. Both of the above kinds are fish safe.

Dan Steveo

Large Fish
Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
i agree. i think just putting it in boiling water will kill off any living things(pasteurisation) but will not get rid of oil. clean it as lotus described. i just bought sand prepared for an aquarium from my lfs.


Medium Fish
May 5, 2008
in TOTAL Agreement with the others. You could be introducing "something" you don't want into your system.

If you want to go super cheap, buy the "play sand" at lowes or home depot, at least you know it's pretty clean, fine, similar grain, and only needs a tap water rinse. I've had lots of fish buds do this with their planted and non~planted FW tanks alike.

With Michigan's lake sand, you will be getting too much of something you don't want. OR.. you'll be spending time boiling, bleaching, dechlorinating, rinsing, etc.. Time is $$. Don't waste it doing that, when their are better choices that are also very inexpensive.

Good luck.


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2008
central Michigan USA
Yep at Home Depot $3.50 for a 50 lb bag of contractors sand and as mentioned, play sand and yet another i've heard some mention is pool sand. I think they all have a little different color. I've used the contractors sand and it is a bright white color and i think i've heard the pool sand is a little darker. Anyone ?