Beard algae and hair algae

Oct 22, 2002
well somehow in the setup of my tank I got a slight infestation of beard looks kinda neat and it doesn't seem to be spreading much, but all of a sudden some hair algae started appearing and it seems to attach itself to the ends of my plants and kills the leafs:(

These algaes came on strong when I had only 120 watts on my 55 gallon and was adding iron, jobe sticks (what probably did it! I hate these damn things!), and potassium.
Since then I've added a 4th light and pressurized CO2 but have stopped adding ferts for about 2 weeks now with no reduction in the algaes:(

I just ordered some algae destroyer which is supposed to be plant friendly, so I'll keep you all posted.

I keep dumping malaysian trumpet snails into the tank but they all die within a day or two:( any idea why?
temp is around 82, ph around 6.8, nitrates 0 and I'm running 2 filters on the tank now, a Magnum HOT and a Filstar Xp2.

3 ottos, and about 5 large false siamensis, 1 pencil fish and 3 of the largest khoolie loaches I've ever seen (about as fat as a pencil!!) are my algae patrol

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sounds like your getting algae, because your plants are lacking N(a source of nitrogen such as nitrates) yours are 0....but jobes are supposed to add nitrates, so are you sure that your nitrates are 0?

If they are 0, then your jobes are not the fact you need to add a fert or more jobes, or more fish to get more N. Nitrates should be in the 5 to 10 ppm range.Plants use that.

Do you know what your Co2 levels are?
what liquid ferts do you use?

Iron can and will cause algae if the plants are not using the iron. Make sure the plants you have utilize most of the iron, and you may want to get a test kit for iron so you know how much you need to dose. Too much iron can kill your fish(dead snails and neons?)and cause algae.

Algae destroyers may not be fish friendly however.....It also covers up the problem of why you have algae. If you use the algae destroyer...will you have to keep using it since the problem isn't solved?

I am not sure how planted your tank is...but jobes also contain phosphates. Some phosphate is actually needed for plants, but too much will sometimes lead to algae if it isn't being used.(how much is still a debate)

Potassium, from what I read on the net, is one of those vital plant nutrients that actually does not cause algae.It never has in mine.

provide the proper conditions for your plants, and the algae will be beaten without you having to use a algae chemical.