Beat up Gourami


Small Fish
May 26, 2004
Toledo, OH
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I have a Gourami in my tank that has taken a beating from my algae eater. I seperate them and he gets better and then I put him back and he gets beaten up. My algae eater does a great job in my tank and he only singles out my gourami. Is there anything I can do besides seperate them?Is there anything I can do to help him? He's stopped eating and I even put garlic in the water?

Sep 10, 2004
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How big is your tank? Do you only have one Gourami? Is your algea eater bigger than the Gourami? I put one Black Moore and one Betta in a 5.5 gallon tank. The Betta kept flaring and chasing the Black Moor so I had to put the Betta back in his bowl. Since then, I have acquired a ten gallon tank and put the Betta with four Zebra Danios. The Betta has chosen the right side of the tank as his territory. If the Zebras are in that area, he chases them away but he does not flare at them. I think because there are four Zebras, he doesn't chase them like the did the one Black Moor that was much larger than the Betta. I'll try to do further research on the Gouramis because I do want a Gourami tank. Thanks for the question, it will help me start my research. Let me know if adding another Gourami works. :)


Large Fish
Aug 4, 2004
Gresham, Oregon
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Depending on the size of your tank and the size comparision of the two fish, you could try adding more plants. I have two gouramis that were fighting. But since I added in more plants to break up their line of vision, it has helped a lot.