Been awhile but am back with a new Betta

Unfortunately back in July my lovely orange male Betta SunSpot passed away. He was living in my Eclipse tank but I opted not to get another Betta to replace him as the Otto was starting to get a little carnivorous and I started to lose my minnows too. Now I'm down to two blood tetras and my otto and they seem to get along fine.

However, yesterday I decided to get a little 2 gallon tank for my office area in my apartment. I opted for the Petco 360 viewable tank. It is an undergravel filter variety (yea.. I know) and it has 7 different LED light settings that come up from the bottom.

I wanted to do more of a death and destruction theme so I went with black gravel, a skull and cross bones ornament, a red/burgundy silk plant and a one lone polished (to reflect the lights) green plant. Then when with a Delta finned Betta I have named Doomsday. ;) He's red with a purple hue.

Here are the pics after setting up the tank last night.

Here it is in the red look (which I plan to keep it on) :

Doomsday is a mean little sucker too. Even if I needed to put him in the bigger tank. there was no way I could have.

Hope all is well with everyone here!