Been bitten by the bug

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Yes, that's right, it's time to upgrade my 20 gal SW to a bigger size. I've got my eye on a 75 gal setup with a stand and a canopy. What I need is an idea on how to put a sump together for under the tank. Does anyone have any good websites where I can build/put together a sump that is not going to cost a fortune and relitively easy to put together?

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
That was one of my thoughts but the first problem is that I need that setup to house my fish/rock/corals until the new one gets up and running. Secondly, the 20 isn't a 20L, but rather a 20H. So that doesn't give me much room inside the tank for my chambers. I'm thinking about getting a 30 Gal to use as my sump. then when I get my 20 gallon emptied I can maybe sell the setup(tank, stand, top, light, filter, skimmer) to put back into the coffers.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I have a 75g and used a 20L for my home built sump. It fits well and leaves some room for equipment or top off jugs. I built mine with two inflows split between the skimmer section and the fuge section with the return in center. Approx 30% of water goes to fuge with 70% to skimmer, working like a charm.....

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Well, I got my setup(actually picking it up on Thursday eve. 75 Gal Oceanic reef ready tank with matching solid oak stand and canopy, Oceanic wet/dry sump, protein skimmer, all plumbing, about 100 lbs of substrate, sump is filled with live rock. Setup is clean and in excellent condition(he's going to keep it running until I pick it up to keep it clean)Got a helluva deal on it. Thanks for Craigslist. That sucker's gonna be heavy to lift in my truck! Can't wait can't wait can't wait. I'll start a new thread with my pics and progress.