Been gone a while....

Oct 12, 2010
So Ive been gone a while, but i made some upgrades to my fish collection....

I now have:
- 5 glofish
- 5 black skirt tetras
- 3 platys (i may donate the 2 babies to petsmart soon because I dont want them to reproduce anymore. haha.)
- 1 dwarf gourami (the 2 inch version...)
- 1 albino cory
- 1 mystery snail

Some of you have said thats too much, and some of you have said that I have room for more fish.... i didnt know who to believe, so i just went for it. I just want to let you know that everyone is doing great. Everyone seems very active and healthy and they have been in there for a little over a week now. If it keeps up like this, i may look into adding another cory or two. I would probably do this after donating the platies if i can.


Oct 12, 2010
i actually like him. i didnt think he would be an issue since he doesnt take up much space. he also helps keep the place clean, but i guess the corys would too. i also dont have another tank to move him too anyways. my cory is the most active one of them all! i heard from several sources that they need to be kept in groups, then i also heard that they were fine if they are alone. so once again, i just went with what i wanted to do and got only one so i could have more room for glofish. he seems to be ok, but i obviously cant read his mind so i dont know how hes doing. he appears happy though....

i know im pretty much maxed out, but i do have two filters running. and the folks at 2 different petsmart said i would be fine since i have extra filtration. hopefully one day i can get a bigger place where i can have a HUGE tank and put as many fish in it as i want. haha.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
You know what's interesting about cories...I have three different varieties. Albinos in my 55gal, pandas in my 20gL and peppereds in my 29gal. I originally just had one albino cory in my 55gal and he was INSANELY active. I recently added three more (who are all AT LEAST twice the size of my original, Vladmir) and all of a sudden Vladmir isn't nearly as active as he was. The cories will come out and play in the moonlights after I turn out the main light, but before, Vladmir was ALWAYS moving. Same thing in the 20gL. I had one panda cory originally and he was always busy (kept trying to "school" with my GBR since they both like the bottom). Now that I have three, they aren't nearly as busy. In the 29gal, I've always had four and they've always been kinda sedate.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
You may be very very slightly on the overstocked side.. but if you say everything's going well/all fish are healthy then I see no reason why your current tank won't continue to work with proper maintenance. Stocking is always an odd subject because so many people have such different opinions on it. My personal opinion is that your tank is fine :)

I see Newman's point about the cory however, they do like to be in groups. I had a leopard cory on its own for years, and in contrary to bass' experience he hid all the time. The thing about cories though is unlike your apple snail they won't really do anything in the way of clean-up.. they just eat food that falls to the bottom of the tank. At least the snail will help clear the algae and such.

But yeah, I hope it continues to work for you, you've got a nice mix of peaceful community fish there :)