Been thinkin'...... (uh-oh)


Superstar Fish
Feb 27, 2004
Dallas, TX
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Okay, folks, here's the deal... I set up a 75 gallon planted community tank (Check it out) back in January, and have had a ball with it. This has led to other "problems," however.

(1) My plants are growing too fast

(2) I want another tank

A couple of years ago, a co-worker wanted to get rid of a 58 gallon reef setup he had, and since the price was right, I helped him out. It has been sitting empty in a spare bedroom.

I know what you're all thinking... nice problems to have, right?

Well, here is what I was thinking....

A South American biotope sorta thing, planted with swords and the like (my melon sword is spitting out babies like they are going out of style); and a herd of Angels (I think I read one per tank or 5+, is that right?), some cories, and a few otos.

What do you guys think....?

Jul 9, 2003
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how tall is the tank going to be? angels need a tall tank to be in optimal health, you cuold also stock it with small colourful cichlids (ie. apistogramma's) that are from south america (from various rivers/lakes)..

the cory;s will do perfectly, i don't like otos (have had horrible luck with them), but others swear by them, ...
hope this helps


Superstar Fish
Feb 27, 2004
Dallas, TX
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Thanks for your input.

The tank dimensions are 36" x 17" x 19" tall. Figure about 3 inches for substrate, that would leave me with 16 inches of water depth.

As for otos, I have a few in my 75 and love 'em. Granted, one died for no apparent reason, and another committed suicide by getting him/herself sucked up my Python, but other than that, they're great.