begginer needs some help

Oct 22, 2002
hi all i recently got a great deal on a 125g with some stuff with it for $100.  i have had sucess with fresh water and while i love them to death i cant help but stare at the colors and brillance of salt water fish.  i know i want a fish only setup at first cause from what i read its better to get ur feet wet without all the inverts.  my question is what fish would be good to start with, what fish go good together, how much approximetly(i know its spelled wrong) will it cost to get everything up and running what kinda filter i should use?  i know that im asking alot but im just so overwhelmed with all the info how to do this. thanks in advance for any replys.  


Oct 22, 2002
ok im sorry.  after i posted i decided to read the rest of the threads.  and alot were just like mine so i took the advice givin to those begginers.  i have a better idea but im still confused any help would  be greatly appreciated.  peace



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
South Africa

I'm new to Saltwater as well.  I just bought "Saltwater Aquariums for Dummies" (inexpensive paperback) which I thought offers some good advice on Saltwater tanks i.e. equipment, fish etc.



Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hey I don't know if you had got the help you wanted yet but I would definelty get a saltwater tank you will be glad you do you probally will never go back to freshwater again.  To start off you want to get some in expensive fish at first untill your tank cycles like damsels,triggers,clowns anything very hardy.  It is very important that you let your tank cycle anywhere from 2-6 weeks depending on your amonia,nitrite,and nitrate.  If you are not familar with this do some reading on cylcing.  As far as filtration goes you need to get all three mechanical, chemical and the most important biological.  On my Fish only system I have a 55 gal with an eheim wet/dry canister and a emporer 400 And a prizim protein skimmer.  I would still recomend getting a protein skimmer even if you are only setting up a fo tank. It is not a must but saltwater aquariums are all about water quality the better quality you have the better your fish are going to be.  I will say that haveing a saltwater aquarium can be expensive.  But it is worth it!  You will need to purchase either crushed coral or sand for your substrate, filters, salt,ect....  Once your tank cycles you can put more cooler fish in you can take out the damsels and trade them back in if your lfs will do that or keep them.
well hope this helps

Oct 22, 2002
thanks i think i will cycle with clowns i plan on having them anyways.  ive been reading ALOT and from what i hear the live rock will do most if not all of the bio filtration u need is this true? heres a link to something i read the part about the third tank.  if that is right how much live rock will i need ive heard anywhere from 1lb/1gal to 1lb/5gal?  do i need live sand??  can u possibly suggest some stocking schemes after the clowns?