Beginner Feeding Question


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2008
Vancouver BC
I'm picking up as much info as I can with google searches and the like, but I'm having trouble getting a couple specifics.

I have a 30 gallon tank with ten Zebra Danios and one common plec. I'm having a little trouble establishing a feeding routine.

Just about all of the notes I've seen on feeding the Danios recommends feeding twice a day (flake or brine shrimp, etc) as much as they will eat in two minutes. The notes I've seen for feeding the plec recommends twice a day as well.

Trying to follow these guidelines, I've noticed a couple things. First, the Danios will devour their food very quickly - two minutes seems like a long time, and a lot of food, considering how fast they pick the food off the surface.

Secondly, feeding the plec has been difficult for me to pay attention to. It will hide until the lights go out, at which point he'll come out within a couple minutes and start roaming the tank - this is when I'll put in his food - but it doesn't seem to be attracted to the algae wafers. Instead, the Danios will form groups of about four or five, and steadily pick at the plec's food.

My first concern is that the danios are overeating (both their food and the plec's) - this group is a fairly new to my tank, and the Danios have already started gaining weight to the point of looking chubby instead of their original streamlined shape.

My second concern is that I can't tell whether the plec is getting enough food, or is doing fine just by cleaning the tank. I can't tell how much of the wafer it's actually getting. Should I be giving it half a wafer per day, or making sure there is always a bit of one available to it?

Advise or relevant links would help a lot - I'll provide more information if needed.

I'm not sure if you know this or not, but your common pleco will turn into a monster pleco. I think it would be best to either exchange him for a smaller, bristlenose pleco, or get a larger tank altogether.
About the feeding. I don't think you need to feed your fish any more than one time per day. As for feeding the pleco, try placing the wafer closer, or maybe in the cave or log or wherever it hides a few minutes after you turn the lights out.


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2008
Vancouver BC
Hi Gerald,

Don't worry, I didn't get him without doing at least a little research - most references state they'll grow up to 17 or 18 inches long. My in-laws have one that is close to that size. When he outgrows the tank, I'll either set him up in a larger tank or find him a new home.

Thank you, I'll give your advice a shot over the next few days.

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
I would agree with Gerald, no need to feed your fish more than once a day. It will just cause more work for yourself. As far as feeding your pleco, I wouldn't worry to much about that. I have kept common plecos for some time and don't feed them but once a week or so. Plecos are bottom feeders, they will pick up on leftovers and eat any algae in the tank. Again in agreement with Gerald, that pleco will get way too big for that tank. I have had several common plecos reach well over 24". I say a 55g is the minimum for common pleco and 75g or bigger is better. Someone on here has the signature that the "more they eat, the more the excrete" ~ good words of wisdom in fish keeping.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
As far as feeding I recommend only once a day and maybe even go to every other day. Just feed what they will eat in like 30-60 sec. Thats generally all I do. I put a pinch of food in and if they eat that then I put one more and leave it at that. A hungry fish is a healthy fish. It makes it easy to tell when and who is not eating if they are always on the look out for food. Trust me they wont go hungry. Also for feeding the pleco, feed him while you are feeding the Danios. Turn the lights out and give him a few minutes to come out, then drop in the wafer and then feed the Danios. This way the danios will be more into what you are feeding them and give him time to find his food. I try and drop the wafer near where my plecos are sitting that way they smell it faster. I would feed the pleco ever couple of days as he will also pick up what the Danios miss in their frenzy.