Hi everyone,
First I'd like to say that I really enjoy this website, and the forums. People seem very helpful here and thats great to find online
Now to business. I have really been considering setting up a SW nano-tank but have some basic questions i was hoping could get answered first.
1. Do I have the time to run a SW nano-tank? I currently support a 55 gallon community freshwater planted tank and a 40 gallon red eared slider tank. I am in the habit of doing weekly water changes, water tests, and more frequent top offs and monitoring. So basically I have all weekend to work on the tanks and at least an hour or so each night to check levels. Is that enough time?
2. What kind of lighting and in what price range can i expect? I would like to set up a reef nano so the lighting will need to be powerful enough to support that. I have always been baffled on how lighting works so any product recommendations or info would be very appreciated here.
2.b. I understand that power lighting in nessesary for reef tanks and powerful lighting puts off heat. In a 10-15 gallon tank is there a happy medium to be found between providing adaquate lighting and not overheating the water or burning coral?
3. Is there really distinct advantage to using RO water vs tap? I live in AZ and my (trustworthy) LFS says that our areas tap is better than average for fish tanks (of course this was in reference to freshwater). I dont mind using RO especially since this will be a small tank but how do i aquire it? Is there a filter system or do you just buy it at the store?
4. In a nano-tank my size is a protein skimmer nessesary? In the book ive been reading (The Conscientious Marine Aquarist) the author recomends always using a protien skimmer even in small tanks. However i have read information to the contrary on this website. On a tank around 10 gallons is a protein skimmer nessesary? Or will it at least be beneficial?
If you have read through all those questions thanks in advance. Just a few more bits of information, my other two tanks have been running for a few years and I understand the cycling process and am patient when it comes to setting tanks up. My plan is for a 10-15 gallon reef tank feature some smaller corals, inverts, and possibly a small fish or two. I do appreciate any information or advice that i get.
Edit: One final quick questions, what types of filtration will be nessesary for a tank that small? Will an external filter be nessesary and if so what types of media can i run in a SW tank? I assume it isnt the same as with freshwater.
First I'd like to say that I really enjoy this website, and the forums. People seem very helpful here and thats great to find online
Now to business. I have really been considering setting up a SW nano-tank but have some basic questions i was hoping could get answered first.
1. Do I have the time to run a SW nano-tank? I currently support a 55 gallon community freshwater planted tank and a 40 gallon red eared slider tank. I am in the habit of doing weekly water changes, water tests, and more frequent top offs and monitoring. So basically I have all weekend to work on the tanks and at least an hour or so each night to check levels. Is that enough time?
2. What kind of lighting and in what price range can i expect? I would like to set up a reef nano so the lighting will need to be powerful enough to support that. I have always been baffled on how lighting works so any product recommendations or info would be very appreciated here.
2.b. I understand that power lighting in nessesary for reef tanks and powerful lighting puts off heat. In a 10-15 gallon tank is there a happy medium to be found between providing adaquate lighting and not overheating the water or burning coral?
3. Is there really distinct advantage to using RO water vs tap? I live in AZ and my (trustworthy) LFS says that our areas tap is better than average for fish tanks (of course this was in reference to freshwater). I dont mind using RO especially since this will be a small tank but how do i aquire it? Is there a filter system or do you just buy it at the store?
4. In a nano-tank my size is a protein skimmer nessesary? In the book ive been reading (The Conscientious Marine Aquarist) the author recomends always using a protien skimmer even in small tanks. However i have read information to the contrary on this website. On a tank around 10 gallons is a protein skimmer nessesary? Or will it at least be beneficial?
If you have read through all those questions thanks in advance. Just a few more bits of information, my other two tanks have been running for a few years and I understand the cycling process and am patient when it comes to setting tanks up. My plan is for a 10-15 gallon reef tank feature some smaller corals, inverts, and possibly a small fish or two. I do appreciate any information or advice that i get.
Edit: One final quick questions, what types of filtration will be nessesary for a tank that small? Will an external filter be nessesary and if so what types of media can i run in a SW tank? I assume it isnt the same as with freshwater.
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