Beginner, need advice on possible tank purchase


New Fish
Feb 20, 2006
Hi guys, i have recently caught the aquarium bug. My dad tries to persuade me to go freshwater but i refuse, id rather put in all the time, effort & money into something much more beautiful, ie, SW.

Im not sure if they sell these tanks in the united states (im in australia), but they are those premade tank/stand/light/filter combo type things. The particular brand i am talking about is called Aquaone.

The particular aquaone i am looking at buying is the AR850 or Aquastyle 850 as it says on the website. It is 155 Litres/41 US gallons which imo is plenty of volume for a marine setup.

They come with the built in wet-dry trickle filters at the back of the hood. Now what i need is an opinion as to the efficiency of these things. No matter what store i goto i am told something different, "oh no sir, the built in wet-dry filters are great, dont use a cannister filter"....."Oh no young man the built in wet-dry filters are crap, use a cannister filter" I was also told to use both to maximise filtering capabilities. Now i would like some opinions from some people who are'nt trying to sell me something.

Are those built in wet/dry trickle filters good enough to use alone in a saltwater tank or not? I understand they wont be the greatest filters, but im thinking if they do the job decently enough, would it be a good idea to add a small cannister filter in support of the built in filter for added capabilities, so to speak?

The problem is, this tank is going in my bedroom so space is an issue, so huge seperate trickle filters are completely out of the question, as i will most likely need to make way for a chiller, protein skimmer and a small Q tank.

What are your opinions on these built in filters?

Thx in advance.

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Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I think if it has a wet-dry built in...thats probably good...but you'll also need some additional powerheads in the tank to move water across your Live Rock. I dont think you'd need a canister filter in addition to or instead of the wet/dry.

a 40 G tank isn't a bad size for SW...

Freshwater is a lot cheaper...I mean a LOT :) Your dad definitely has a point...but if you REALLY want to do SW and you want to do it right and keep with it then its a good investment because SW can be very rewarding.


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
I have seen a few of those tanks around different forums and they all look easy to maintain and of good quality. Are you doin reef or just fish, a wetdry would be great for just a fish tank...with reef filtration can be a bit more complicated.


New Fish
Feb 20, 2006
I am planning of fish, anemones & live rock for added biological filtration. Im not too fussed about coral, i heard they can be a big added pain in the *ss.

Froggy what do u mean alot more expensive, are u talking equipment or maintenance ?? Im estimating around $1.5-2k it will cost me to get it all set up. That is expensive but i dont think its enough to put me off lol.

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Jan 13, 2006
Dont know if these are availible to you but go on ebay and look up tencor aquariums, they are imo very nice setups, and are good for begginners, when i choose to go sw in a year or so that is what im getting.


New Fish
Feb 20, 2006
Nah ive never heard of tencor fish tanks, never seen them in a shop or ebay australia, but ill have a look now. What is the quality like? Do they have those built in wet/dry filters?? If i could find one i like on US ebay maybe i could get one cheap that posts to australia, unlikely though.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
$2k USD would certainly be enough...unfortunately i don't really know the relative cost of items in Australia but given that $1USD is ~ $0.75 AUD I would think you could probably still get it done

Jan 13, 2006
the one i was looking at was a 95-100 gallon tank with built in filtration and skimmer, it also has extra holes for additional equipment if you want, they have just the tanks or complete tank setups which include stand, canopy, hood, and a few other things, the one i was looking at was about 800usd$ plus 150$ shipping fee. try this site it is where i went to look at them

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New Fish
Feb 20, 2006
Camaro i was referring to AUD.

I would say 2k AUD should be plenty. But i will not rush into buying absolutely everything. Ill list some estimates for my equipment. All are listed in AUD.
Tank & Stand/Cabinet $400-500
Protein Skimmer $150
Extra Filter $150
Chiller (will wait a while, it is the end of summer coming up, wont need it for a while) $600
Testing kits (not sure of the prices but id say between $100 - $150
Plus the lifeforms i will put in the tank, these vary from shop in regards to pricing so i wont estimate yet.


New Fish
Feb 20, 2006
Fishckabibble those tanks are quit expensive. Waay out of my price range, as i mention before it is for my bedroom so space is limited, so the max i could go is about 40 gallon.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I was talking about everything...from the usual maintenance (salt mix) to the livestock (The least you probably ever find a SW fish for is like 15 dollars...whereas you can find FW fish easily for a dollar or two) to the rock...usually at least $5 per lb... usually more. There is more equipment required for a SW tank than a FW tank...although the actual pieces of equipment of course aren't more expensive than FW because for the most part they're the same. I just know that I found a tank at a garage sale for $18 that came with a heater, stand, filter and everything...I could have just filled the thing up, added water conditioner and 10 bucks worth of fish and called it a finished tank :) (I didn't, but thats beside the point) I then turned around and spent another probably close to $300 converting that same tank (it was a small one) to SW. So I just take that comparison of 300 and not having to buy the tank vs. $30 including the tank....whenever someone asks what the difference is in $$ between FW and SW. Of course you CAN spend just as much on FW if you want. asked :)

Does AUS have anything like (classified ads online for free) One way to save money is to not buy a tank brand new...there is so much turnover in this hobby that if you are patient you will probably find a setup that is practically new for less than half the price.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
1. He's in australia, Tenecor is US brand, and not known outside the US.
2. The cost of stuff in Aus is horribly high, especially imported stuff.

Back to the question, I wouldn't use a wet/dry or trickle at all, I would just get a glass box, something for water movement and 10 or 15 kilos of live rock. Add the skimmer, heating and lighting.

Anemonaes are tricky.

Given you're in aus, and I don't know much about what people are doing for kit in Aus, I'd advise finding some other local reefers and asking what they're doing. I know there are people in Aus making and selling protein skimmers and lighting setups