Beginner Saltwater Tank


New Fish
Oct 23, 2002
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I am a total newbie to saltwater and was wondering what "setup" would be good. I am 14 so i have a very limited budget but want a saltwater tank. What size tank? Good beginner fish( i like blue damsels,alse percula clowns, yellow tangs)? Filter?Skimmer? and anything else i should know!!!!


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Get a 30 gallon glass tank. An emperor 280 power filter. 1 daytime bulb, 1 blue kind, with 2 sets of fixature and ballast and hood for your light. A hydrometer, A Ebo-Jager heater 75 watts, a box of activated charcoal, a box of Bio Chem Stars, a net, and a bag of salt. If you want to start your tank with tap water then get Kordon's amquel and detoxer, but its better to use distilled/deioned drinking water from the beginning. If the Ph is too low then get a pack of Ph booster thingey. Cut the Bio chem stars in half, like a bagel, so they can fit into emperor 280's media basket, or get small bio media. Whole set up above will cost about $250, depending where you shop at. AFTER the nitrate cycle is completed and de-nitrating bio bacteria has grown on the bio media, you might want to add some high quality cured lived rock.

30 gallon glass tank - $30
Emperor 280 filter - $40
Daytime flourescent bulb - $20
Blue coral bulb - $15
Fixature, ballast, hood - $40
Hydrometer - $10
Ebo Jager heater - $25
Sea salt - $20
Bio media - $10
Charcoal, net - $10
Extras - $10
Tank Stand - $40 or build one!


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Why not get the live rock in straight away, and replace the power filter with a skimmer (probably hang on back), and another power head for some circulation.
30 gallons is a good starter size though - smaller is posssible, but you'l have no margin of error.
Home much stuff does your lfs have? Mine are all frankly terrible - fish and live rock are ok, but in terms of hardware, horrible.
Which books have you read? Get your library to order a copy of at least the conscientious marine aquarist by Bob Fenner for you, and also go to and see what's there.


Small Fish
Oct 29, 2002
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Hello all!

Like Brian i am thinking of starting a Saltwater Aquarium prefferably a Low maintainance system.
I have been fascinated since i took my diving course 2 years ago and have had the pleasure of diving with so many reef fish.
I have invested in 4 books with a "Kiss" guide to keep it simple,but with all the different types of set ups and different opinions i just seem to get more confused.
I am obsest with Picasso Triggers but understand that they are very destructive and should be kept on their own.
I have been to various shops who advise completely differently,one says a fish only system due to the difficulties caused by the inverts,but then the others say have inverts to make the system more stable,plus apparently if you have a fish only shortly afterwards you always switch to corals.
Please advise as some books still swear by UGF system(revers type!).Please help.



Small Fish
Oct 29, 2002
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I will try to get the name of the book tonight!
Are you in the Uk or overseas? I will find the ISBN number for you.
I have another book Called Your first Marine Aquarium ISBN 0-7641-0447-0 printed by Barrons.
The author John H Tullock who holds a master of science degree from the university of Tennessee in Zoologyand Microbilogy.He is the author of five books on aquarium care of Marine species and the founder member of the American Marinelife Dealers association.
He looks to know his stuff i will let you know my thoughts after i have read it.