Well I'm all set up for my first ever reef tank. My 20 gal has had stable water conditions (less than 5ppm nitrate, 0 nitirite, 0 Ammonia) for several weeks. Clean up crew is thriving as are my 2 ocellaris clowns. I have just set up a 130w power compact light complete with moon LEDs. Now I read everywhere that good beginner corals a zoanthids (button polyps) and mushrooms. however, are there specifc species that are hardier than others? I drew the comparison to clownfish, which are generaly considered great starter fish, but there are some big differeneces between the care-taker level for ocellaris clowns versus say a maroon or skunk clown. Please advise on what you think the best first corals should be. thanks!
Well I'm all set up for my first ever reef tank. My 20 gal has had stable water conditions (less than 5ppm nitrate, 0 nitirite, 0 Ammonia) for several weeks. Clean up crew is thriving as are my 2 ocellaris clowns. I have just set up a 130w power compact light complete with moon LEDs. Now I read everywhere that good beginner corals a zoanthids (button polyps) and mushrooms. however, are there specifc species that are hardier than others? I drew the comparison to clownfish, which are generaly considered great starter fish, but there are some big differeneces between the care-taker level for ocellaris clowns versus say a maroon or skunk clown. Please advise on what you think the best first corals should be. thanks!