Best Breeder


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Before you go creating all those fry, remember that each guppy female can have 30+ babies every 6 weeks. If you get two females, that is 60 new fish in the first month alone, you can do the math for the months after that. Can you house 60 new fish? Do you want 60 guppies? That is an awful lot of fish tanks for all those fish. Don't count on your fish store buying them from you, they will either pay you next to nothing for them, just give you store credit, or take the fry to sell as feeder fish as a "favor" to you for taking them off your hands.

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
suggest getting things for the fry before the guppies as they give birth fast and need to be ready for them before they arrive. There is DIY guide i posted in the DIY area of forums. Or you can get the breeders they sell at petsmart and walmart. Have a plan for all the fry you will have as they give birth to about 20-30 at a time, maybe more if lucky.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Yes, they can have babies every 6 weeks at least, if not sooner. I would highly suggest not getting into breeding unless you have the funding, tanks, and buyers for the fry lined up.

I cultured microworms for a month before breeding my fry, are you prepared to culture fry food?

Nov 17, 2006
MissFishy said:
Yes, they can have babies every 6 weeks at least, if not sooner. I would highly suggest not getting into breeding unless you have the funding, tanks, and buyers for the fry lined up.

I cultured microworms for a month before breeding my fry, are you prepared to culture fry food?
can i feed baby brine shrimp

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
i got food from LFS called first bite... it is fine powder type food i feed my fry six times daily a little bit on wet toothpick, the fry are growing well.

Female guppies can have babies for up to six months after they had contact with a male. meaning if you have a pregnant guppy and put her in a tank alone. she could have babies for up to six months before having to react with another male. As the guppies age they give more baby fry per birthing. First time it may be anywhere from 3-30 but if you have an older female guppy it could be as many as 100 fry. But i am new to the fry, just had my first batch of 20. I am tired of guppies now and won't buy anymore, letting these ones grow and going to sell on craigslist to get rid of them,

What do you do with them? You can use them as feeder fish for the carnivore type fish, you can let them grow and stock tanks with them, you can trade with LFS if they need them.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Even though it means more fry, I would recommend getting 3-4 adult guppy females for each male. Why? Because if you only get 2, they are likely to get picked on a fair bit...especially if you end up separating them out into breeding traps or fry-rearing tanks, etc. (which would leave one female all alone to get picked on by the male :eek: )

I too am breeding guppies, and I will feed the less desirable offspring to my crays.

Big Vine