Best Cichlid Starter Tank???


Medium Fish
Apr 14, 2003
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I will be buying a tank soon with the hopes of keeping some cichlids in it. I would like to keep Con's, JD's, or a GT. I have been looking at two options for my first tank. My first option is a 33 gallon (36x13x18) hagen kit. This setup is pretty well complete, as in I wouldn't have to change any of the components. My second option is a 55 gallon (48x13x22) walmart kit. The cost of the kits are almost the same; however, I think I would swap out the filter and heater and the walmart tank. What tank should I buy?


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
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either way ull need stronger filtration in the long run, better bets would be lookin in classifieds too if ur patients. Otherwise the 55 gallon tank is overall better cuz u want more room for the fish as JDs get large and so does a GT. i think 65 gallons is the ideal tank size but 55 is good.


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
wayne at home is right, I never really believed people when they said that you needed a 55 gallon for chiclids, ("but they start out so tiny! How big can they get?") but today while at my LFS I saw the biggest green terror I have seen in my life! I would only keep that thing in a 55 gal. if it was going to be the only thing in there, if there were to be more fish Id say at least an 80 gallon! I mean this thing was huge!
If I were you I'd definately go for the 55 gal. otherwise after a while, you'll end up having to buy a bigger tank anyway =)