Best Filter at decent price

Oct 13, 2007
Belmont, NC
I have a 75 gallon tank and I want to put a pair of small oscars in it and maybe some silver dollars or tinfoil barbs. What is the best filter for around $100 you can buy that will require the least amount of maintanence that will keep the tank clean? I like the Fluvals or Marineland C series but they seem to be a little high in price.


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
Personally, I really like my Rena XP3. That and maybe a powerhead to help out with circulation a little bit, and you should be good. I've been running my XP3 on my 46g bowfront for about 3 months... still haven't had to take it down for maintenance, although that's on the plan for this weekend.

Bigals has it for $89.99 right now.
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals RENA Filstar XP 3 Canister Filter at Big Al's Online