best filter


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
 Here is my situation i will soon be out growing my fish tank and getting a 29 gallon i will have live plants, ruby barbs and iredecent sharks now i need to know what kind of power filter/undergravelfilter will work best
 I was thinking the best way to go would be to get under gravel with a power head and also a power filter
 I already have a 15 gallon power filter, would that in combination of a efichiant gravel filter be enough to keep my tank clean?
 thanx in advance Dave

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well  I have found from exp that you need a thinner layer of gravel over the UGF to make it effective. Live plants dont like thin gravel so forget the UGF.

Keep the gravel clean?..add more plants. Vaccuum in the areas that are not planted. Feed you sinking food in one area all the time.Keep up on water changes for nice healthy water.

Add a lot of plants in the beginning. Buy a nice addative for plants like Flourish.

Filter..well I use a Hot magnum in my 29 g planted.(2 power heads and a sump in my other)

I add some bio-max media and with the plants I have all I need for biological and mechanical filtration I need.. Hot Magnum is like $40 some dollars..very cheap for a HOB canister. It is also perfect for current in the tank. Don't go to big in size or you will blow your plants all over in the 29.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I had an old skilter by whisper that I was going to feed the co2 right into where the O2 would go to the impellor for protein skimming in a salt water tank. But I would lose too much C02 when the water from the HOB would hit the surface of the tank water. So I avoid too much surface agitation.

With the magnum I turned the outtake flap so it points down and toward the middle, all the Co2 goes right into the tank and has a better chance of disolving than the other filter. My opinion of course.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
[quote author=JWright link=board=freshwatergeneral&num=995593590&start=0#2 date=07/20/01 at 06:58:09]
I'd have to reccomend a Aquaclear, but that's just personal preference.

As MRB said, UGFs are a no-go with plants.

An AC 200 wouldn't run you more than $20 most places online.



Yes, i love aqua clear filters.Small, easy to take care of, and aren't that expensive.
But, if you cannot find these you could use Penquin bio wheels


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
UGF no way. Like stated above the substrate would be to thick for it to be an efficeint filtration system. I would suggest the canister filter and the power filter for surface movement. That would be great. I think the powerhead would look to cluttered. The power filter and canister would be great. ;D


geoffgarcia (Guest)

I have to second the Magnum HOT, I got mine for around 40$ new for my 15 gallon, and my roomate just got a used one for 15$ (shipped!!) for her 29 gallon.
Its a better choice than the whisper/aqua clear and other similar models because its a canister! You can add the media of your choice (not those carbon bag things). The best part of it is the micron filter which is just a water polisher I guess. It works wonders on my tank, and I swap it out occassionally for a clean and pop in the cartridge which I fill with bio balls and floss.  Its the best! I also own an aqua clear 300, 500, Filstar XP2 and Whisper model 2 (I think thats the model)


geoffgarcia (Guest)

PS-get a handful of Malaysian trumpet snails they double their community every 3 weeks in my tank and I never see them until I turn out the lights then they come out of the woodworks!!! They are tiny and stay under the gravel when the lights are roomate says she can see my gravel move like a wave...she must have better vision than me, but they work wonders:)
AND they are cheap!!!!!
I have a zillion so I can send them to anyone that wants them, just think of a clever way to ship them and give me the 2$ or whatever it is to mail them and I'll send 15 or so (more than enough)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
If money were no option, I'd go for the HOT Magnum too, but IMO, an AC 200 would be more than enough for a lot less.

Aquaclears do allow for some adptability in regards to media. You can stick anything in them as long as you can fit it in a small mesh bag.

You're right, the micron filter is a really feature.


Oct 22, 2002
I wouldn't recommend any hang on the tank type of power filter if you want a nicely planted tank.  They cause a fair amount of surface agitation which can bubble off the CO2 in the water.  I would go with something like a Fluval 204 if I could afford it.  If you can't, I would go with a penguin biowheel type filter, simply because if you are not careful with the AquaClears, you will end up with water on the floor if it gets a little too dirty inside.  I love the simplicity of the ACs, but after having 10 gallons drain onto my carpeted floor once, i will never use them again.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
well i think i have made up my mind on useing a ugf and 2 power filters one penguin bioweel rated at 15 gallons and a dueto rated at 20 gallons and eventually get power heads now i want to know if i have a medium planted tank do i need co2 or can i jest use plant fertilizer?
 well thanx for the help everyone
