Best Filter

Dec 30, 2007

I have recently bought a 450L fish tank and was wondering what kind of filter I should get. I was told that the external canister ones are pretty good but there are so many. I have been doing a bit of reading and have found that the Eheim 2217 Classic seems to be the pick. I was wondering if anyone could verify this or let me know if there is something better for my needs.

I am a beginner and am looking at putting in tropicals.

Thanks in advance.



Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Wow that sounds like a nice big tank to start out with *thumbsups I don't have experience with large tanks like that myself so I'm sure somebody else will be able to answer that question for you as far as the filters go.

Just be sure that you cycle the tank properly and take everything slow with the tank once you get it going. Research the fish you want to put in there before you purchase them. Always be sure to ask lots and lots of questions because you will learn so much. Post your ideas of what you want to do here and make sure people that have a lot of experience agree with your choices and modify your ideas till they do. If you do all this you will be sure to have a nice successful tank.

Good Luck

Dec 30, 2007
Thanks for that.

What do you mean by cycling your tank? Are you referring to de-chlorinating the water? Once I have sorted out the pump I am hoping to do that and then leave it run for a couple of weeks before putting fish in there. Do I need to invest in a heater as well?



Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
MissFishy's Guide to Fish
This is a site put together by missfishy but it has a lot of good information on cycling a tank so read through that and it should explain everything you need to know about the cycle.

If you plan on putting tropical fish in there you will need a heater for the tank because the do need the water to be warm.