Best heater??

I'm getting a ten gal to profecionaly breed guppies... But I have quite the problem. I'm saposta research for the best heater for Guppie tanks.. But I dont know where to start. Do you guys know what is the best heater to keep Guppies warm and happy without having my light on night and day?? It bothers me when I go to sleep to have my light on in a tank and at the same time I have algie growing fast and I dont have a algie eater yet.. Can someone help me out on getting a heater just right for a ten gal and ment for guppies temp? I'm getting the ten gallon in at least another week.

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Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
Hey there! Told ya I'd post on one of your topics ;)
For a 10, you'd be best to stick to a 50 watt heater, since what I've heard is 5 watts per gallon. Guppies like water that between 65 and 80 (maybe a few degrees more) degrees, so you don't need a very strong heater.
There's no reason to leave your tank light on at nigh, since it should heat up the water enough when it's on during the day :)

Thank you so much ^_^ does the kind of heater matter? cause I'm thinking of getting a heater from Topfin now that you mensioned wattage :) Having a whole aquarium out of topfin products is alot simpler if something goes wrong to report back to the makers. but I dont want any insadents. I also plan on having a Algie eater in with them.

Also does a Davider stop from haveing the temp in both sides the same? or do I need to buy one for each side?

thanks though ^_^ I'm so thinking of getting a Pleco insted of a Cat fish for a algie( bottom feeder) yours is so cute =3.

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Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
I'm not experienced with dividers, but as long as there is water flow inbetween both parts of the tank, you'll be fine with one heater. I personally just bought a Rena Cal heater because it was a suggested brand. But I think they all work about the same and are all about the same price. :)

For algae eaters, if you want a Pleco, I suggest one of the Dwarfs. Something like a Clown Pleco, Brittlenose, or a Rubberlip, since they don't get too big. A common pleco would outgrow a 10 gallon tank pretty fast. Or you could try an Oto, which don't get big at all, but are very good algea eaters :D Cories work too if you need gravel cleanup.
The little guy in my avatar passed away a month or so ago.... he was a Blue Phantom, which are beautiful and stay fairly small. I'm a fan of the smaller types of Pleco *thumbsups

Cal eh? My sister mensioned that heater, it was at Petsmart when we whent there^_^ I'm ganna tell her we need to get a Rena Cal 50 watt heater For are Ten gal breeder guppy aquarium, and a Blue Phantom Plecy =3! you have made my day :huggles: She wasint going to let me get the ten gal till I did some reasearch and I can see from the sites that talk about Cal Heaters, it is one of the best out there. While topfin mensions some accidental Burning Oo;;;?!

I'm ganna research a little more ^_^ Thank you so much Orion erm, Plecocollector =3 lol feels weird seeing you under a different name but this suits you here ^^ like me and FreeNatureArts eh? lol.
I'll take pictures and show everyone once the aquarium is set up! This is such a big step in my guppy plans~ :glomps: Thanks so much ^_^.

Oh and about the divider =D I'm getting one thats screening insted of Plastic or plexy glass so that the filter can get both sides ^_^, that way they can still be together too, but have a less chance of unintended mateing Oo; lol. in that case the heater should do fine on it's own since the water is passing threw both sides.\.

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Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
Lol, sadly the name Orion was already taken when I got here ;)

Good luck finding a Blue Phatom. They're the most beautiful pleco I think I've ever seen, but they're on the rarer side.

I can't wait to see pics of your tank! I love looking at what other people do, it gives me ideas to work off of :)