Best way to completely change setup


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Brisbane, Australia
Currently I have a 75g planted tropical tank with gouramis and tetras etc, and was wanting to completely change it to a Lake Malawi tank as I think they look gorgeous.

What do you suggest would be the best way to go about this. I wont have another tank so I will somehow have to sell my plants and fish.

Does anyone know if lfs's buy fish off people????

Last edited:
Oct 22, 2002
some LFS will buy your fish, especially if they are exotic are super huge....odds are they wont though....
better off giving them away.

as for your cichlid tank, I propose sand bottom, plenty of rock (I prefer base rock from reef aquariums as it has tons of holes and looks awesome) and a few vals, maybe corkscrews....