beta filters?

Mar 6, 2005
Hi I just got a new beta, and so of course I have questions. One of these, do betas need a filter? If so what would work with an eleven inch vase? Also my Mom wants to get another beta. Should I put the tanks next to each other? They are both males and I know enough not to put them in the same tank, but would putting the tanks next to one another be better, or worse? Thanks for any help, oh and my beta Speck thanks you too. :)

Mar 11, 2003
In a vase that small, you don't need a filter. Just do water changes 1 time a week if its a gallon vase, or 2-3 times a week if its more like a 1/2 gallon. I don't suggest you keep a pet betta in anything less than a 1/2 gallon. If you get a larger place for your betta in the future, keep in mind that you will have to set the filter to the most gentle current, as bettas are not strong swimmers and need a place to get away from the water flow. If you get at least a 2 gallon tank, you can get a whisper mini filter for 2-5 gallons. It has a gentle flow feature that works well. Or get a gang valve that allows you to control the air flow to attach to some tubing and use a corner filter.

As for putting the vases together, being in constant view of each other might stress them out. It depends on the aggressiveness of each male. As long as there is a place for each of them to hide from the other's view, they should be fine.



Large Fish
May 18, 2003
sunny california
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perhaps you could get a small plastic plant or an easy to grow real plant for each tank so the bettas could hide from each other at times.

my betta was happier with a closeby fish companion, but it was a tetra and not another betta in a tank next "door".

getting a filter will definately be easier than doing weekly water changes (which can be stressful for the fish if they are too drastic and not frequent enough).

id love to see pictures of speck and his new friend =D.