Betta & 10g

Aug 18, 2007

I wanted to ask a few questions. I'm not new to the world of an Aquarist, i keep numerous freshwater tanks, but I wanted some input in this specific area...i dont know much about it at all lol

I have a 10 Gallon with a Blue Betta in it, had him there for a good few months since i moved him from the the horrible 1 gallon tank and he's enjoying his self but i cant help but look into the tank everytime and think 'I need to do something so that he doesnt look so lonely' I mean, hes a littlle 1.7 inch spec swimming in 10g and even though the tanks decorated he still looks so small.

Is there anything i could add to maybe make him not so lonely looking? Money's a big issue right now seeing as im in school.

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
If you want the tank to look more alive, plant it. That way you're not only looking at the fish, you're also enjoying the tank.

Other options would giving the betta some compatible tankmates. Look around the forum to see what others have successfully housed together with a betta. You'll be surprised as to what kind of combos they have.

Lastly, don't worry about cost so much. I'm a college student as well, and this hobby doesn't take much out of your wallet.

Good luck!

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
i once had my betta in with quite a few different tankmates. i successfully had him with swordtails, female gouramis, cardinals, neon tetras,corydoras,cherry barbs, zebra danios and bristlenose plecos...and a clown pleco,and 2 female fighters. then i added 2 kribensis and he was always hiding. he was getting beaten up so i moved him. it wasn't till later i realised he can't be put with 2 other females.. lol the tank was well planted though so there were many hiding places...

hope i've helped.....