Betta Accomodation?

Jun 28, 2003
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Hi all,
After looking at all the pics posted in the other thread i noticed that alot of them are in small plastic pet home things. Are they happy living without a filter, heater (and in some cases int eh pics, very little floor covering or plants)?
This is because i have been wanting another betta (i had a gorgeous purple male about three years back) but dont think he'd fit in my community tank, but dont have the money to get another tank set up. Will they live happily as i described above?
I have had a few worries that it will be too cold here inthe winter in the UK to have no heater, but would the heat genearted from the top of my other tank be enough to warm the small betta home if put on top?

Thanx for your help.


Large Fish
Aug 8, 2003
West Midlands, UK
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hi-nice to see another UK person here.
I'm looking at a similar set up for a betta at the moment with a 4-7 gallon tank.
Bettas especially need warmth so a heater is essential-they like upto about 28C so not having a heater is not having a fish!!
Heat conducts slowly through water so you probably do need its own heater. A filter is certainly advisable-but perhaps witha water change every two days....maybe??? could do without a filter-but I wouldnt. Undergravel ones are cheap so you could use one of those.
Dont be cruel to your new betta-give him at least a few gallons, heater and some plant cover(maybe plastic) and you should do fine.
Of course someone with actual experience can tell you more but I hope this helps.

Jun 28, 2003
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I guess the reason i havent bought one previously is that in the back of my mind i sought of new i would need that stuff but i thought i'd ask just in case.
I dont think my student cash flow will stretch to a betta yet so hopefully the new year will bring in more money.

OT: Which area of the west mids are you from. I'm nestled away in a Birmingham suburb myself.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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FYI... the smallest tank you can use with a heater would be something like a 3gal acrylic tank with a 25w heater. My 3gals have under gravel filters, a small suction-cup bubble filter, and room for a 25watt submersible heater. Total cost $CDN is about $50.00 for that, and an upgrade to a 5gal is only $10.00 more dollars.

If you really like to have a betta, just ask around your family or look in your local bargain finder magazine (assuming they exist in your area), you can often find free tanks or good deals. My last 3gal tank I got for $4.40 with everything minus a $10.00 heater.

Good Luck!