Betta Actin Funny

I have a betta in a 5.5g tank with an otto and a african dwarf frog. The betta is acting very weird. He has been fine for the last week or so, but in the last two days its has been sitting its elf up ontop of a fake plant that has a leaf that lays on top of the water. So what im trying to say is this fish jumps up on a leaf outside of the wtare and site there with its body half out of the water. so in a way hes commnting suicide! Whats going on here?!?


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
there may not be enough oxygen in the tank. bettas can take in air from the surface if they need extra air, but im not sure if one could survive if it was constantly out of the water. also the tank maight be to hot, but i doubt this is the course.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
Water water water buddy! Some bettas just like to sit ontop of tall plants and do nothing, perfectly normal, but not outside the water.

Bettas will 'jump' out of water they do not find suitable. Did you do a water change to see if he goes back to normal yet?