betta age


Small Fish
Jul 5, 2004
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several questions really

how old do betta's usually get to ?

do they 'chill out' with old age?

What age is the best time to breed at?

and last thing, (lol)

I have a male and female in a spawning tank (seperated) which have shown interest for the last 36 hours , but now the female has lost interest and is clamping only her tail fin, have placed a non see through divider so male & female can't see each other, although the water can pass through to both sides of the tank the male doesn't see to be affected any ideas?

Male seems a little immature at the moment, as the bubblenest hasn't been developed beyond single layer of bubble then he loses interest and bubbles disperse after 5 or more hours, is this normal?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Bettas get 3-5 years old. They do seem to get slower as they get towards the end of their lifespan. I think I've read that you want to breed them around 1 year old, although we were successful with a male that was around 2-2.5 years.

How old is the male? If he's not making the bubblenest and keeping it up, he either isn't ready to mate or doesn't like the female. Sometimes the fish just don't like each other. I tried a male and female once, and they got along great but the male (he was also probably 2-2.5) never remade the bubblenest, and they never spawned even after being in with each other for over a week. This same male absolutely hated a few other females.


Small Fish
Jul 5, 2004
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the male we have is about 10 months old, although we have another male thats about 3yo who has chilled out and is now living in the community tank, where before he would cause alot of hassle and chase anything that moved.

The younger male, has been making bubble nests and then seems to 'forget' about them, they'll disappear and then he'll start a new one, forget about that and so on.