Betta And Cichlids?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I don't have mbunas, so this is just a guess. I'd say no though, because a betta just won't get that big and in my experience they tend to be shy in a larger tank. I think one would get bullied and torn up. They aren't aggressive, fast, or tough enough to stand up to non-dwarf cichlids.

Cichlid-Man said:
No, I'd give the betta a day in a Mbuna tank.

Really? A whole day? :D

Besides the fact that they are exact opposites when it comes to dietary requirements or that they are exact opposites when it comes to activity levels, bettas are like newly born baby mice compared to the pugnacious and ever inquisitive mbuna. The poor thing would be ripped to shreds. And one or two of the mbuna might come down with bloat after eating such a protein rich tankmate. It's just a no-win situation. Shell out the $10 for a 2.5gl tank at petsmart, find yourself a 1gl pickle jar or spend $4 on a breeder net to hang in the mbuna's tank and let the betta chill in there till a more permanent home can be figured out.
Heck, if you got yourself an Azoo Palm filter, a tiny Hydor heat pad and stick it inside the filter, hung it on a 2.5gl tank that betta would be permanently set. *thumbsups

No, not for mbuna. They are herbivorous and animal proteins should be avoided or they will contract Malawi Bloat. Once contracted by one fish it can be passed on to all the others by feces, contamination of the water and you can lose your entire stock. A BIG problem easily avoided by not feeding live or high protein (flake or pellet) foods.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Get a peacock bass for the fishroom if you want to see a "cullinator" :D

I believe some of the tang species will prey upon fish. Such as Calvus on shellies or smaller fry. Frontosa also prey upon the Cyps that descend to lower waters at night.

But like Strait said, not Mbuna. Now they won't hesitate to rip a fish to shreds, however they probably won't eat it or shouldn't eat it.