Betta and Danios

Sep 30, 2004
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I was wondering if it would be safe to put my betta in my 5 gallon aquarium. I've let him in there for a few hours at a time and he doesn't bother the other fish, just hides in the plastic plants. I'm more worried that the danios will hurt the betta's long fins. I have a bubble curtain tho, and I'm not sure he'll like the moving water. I'd have to get rid of the plastic plants too because they kinda have sharp edges.


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
I had a betta and 4 danio's in a 5 gallon (QT tank) for a couple weeks and the danio's didn't bother the betta. He tried to chase them but never caught them. lol

Just a word of warning tho, I moved them all to a 20 gallon and he was a right miserable sod and even got a mouth fungus so I moved him to a tiny bowl with just him and his rock and he was happy as a lark. After treatment I moved him back to the 20 but moved the danios to another tank so now he just shares with 3 Synodontis and a big mystery snail and he's miserable again! I think he just wants to be alone. lol


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
He'll appreciate that and you'll get to see his bubble nest if he makes one. :)

To help fight boredom try holding up a mirror so he can see his reflection. It'll make him flare up and get really excited. Don't do it more than just a few minutes tho. You don't want to stress him out. :)

Last edited:
Nov 13, 2004
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i had betta with a few danios...the only thing that was bad, was that the danios are fast in getting usually when lunch comes, danios eat it all. So i just feed in 2 corners of the tank, hehe my betta knows what corner his food comes in.

sometimes my betta got agravated at the danios, but he can never catch em...and they swim in differnt areas of the tank, this was all in my 10 gallon.