Betta and Gourami Pics

Sep 10, 2006
Denver, CO
My Betta was raised with Gouramis and have been with Gouramis his entire life. There are 5 Gouramis in my tank and they have never had even the smallest of tiffs. My Betta actually is quite fond of my Honey Gourami and they stay together 24/7. No, I am not looking for my fish to fight. I would never do anything to hurt any of my babies.

Info: My Betta came from a local breeder that raises Betta's in tanks with other fish. They are never in a cup or small bowl. They are always in large tanks with other fish that "can" be compatible tankmates. It does not always work out. My breeder has been doing this practice for over 20 years and has learned that most male Betta's can be quite calm when raised from a very early age with other fish, as in the case with mine.

I would not have ever put him in my tank if he was not purchased from the breeder that raised him in a community.

I have worked very very hard over the years to complete a very harmonious community tank by selecting the right fish from the right seller / breeder and I have been very successful.


Last edited:
Sep 10, 2006
Denver, CO
Sorry guys. I have been barraged before about keeping my Betta in a community and I guess I "went off" a little. Let me just put out there though to be fair that this is a very specific case where an expert has bred according to temperment and I do not endorse trying this with your typical Betta that has not undergone the breeding and raising parameters for this to occur. While it can happen for anyone, chances are that it won't. Again, sorry.
