Betta and molly fry

May 12, 2005
I have a ten gallon planted tank with a senior citizen Betta, a ghost shrimp and a mystery snail. I had a algae eater but I gave him to a friend. Bubba the Betta has always been very mellow but now even more so since he is getting old. My balloon belly molly and my Dalmatian molly recently had babies. I decided to try an experiment. I was able to adopt out most of the babies and actually the rest of them are going this afternoon but in the meantime I put them in the tank with Bubba the Betta. He actually seems to like having them in there. It has been three days and they are all still accounted for. I wonder if he will miss them after the adoption this afternoon!!


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Cool!! I know what you mean cause Gabe is really liking his companions too!! :D Right now (he does this a lot) he is sitting just above the gravel looking up at the Neons that a playing up at the top of the tank. Its like a fishey show!!! *SUPERSMIL