Betta and tetras?


Small Fish
Jun 17, 2005
Hi there,
I currently have 2 tanks, but at the end of the month I have to take down my larger tank and just keep my 5 gallon. I'm going to try to find new homes for the larger fish in the big tank, but I was wondering if I could add a few small tetras to the 5 gallon, which is filtered, heated and planted and currently has a male betta and 1 oto in it. I know the 1" of fish per gallon rule would be stretched a little. Temperment wise has anyone had trouble with bettas and tetras? The betta is has been happily living with the oto for over a year. The tank would have:

1 male betta
1 oto
4 small rummy nose tetras

Thanks for any advice!

Oct 14, 2006
New Hampshire
I think that should work.What would you think about neons or cardinals instead of rummy nose.
He already has the rummynoses so that's why he wants to know if they could go in lol

You should be able to... I had a betta with an Angel Fish and Clown loach for a while and after like 3 or 4 months he went after them. I don't know why but he only went after the Angel. Then he died:confused: