Betta Bottom Feeder


Medium Fish
May 7, 2004
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I got this betta from Petco 3 months ago and he's a bottom feeder. It's the weirdest thing, I had him in a 7 with 2 corys, and he would only eat their food (shrimp pellets) that I fed them every few days. Now after 3 months, he's in a 2 with 1 cory, and he still only eats what he finds on the floor, betta pellets that have sunk or cory food. What the heck? Am I doing something wrong! Anyone else have this problem? I just want to make sure that he's getting the right nutrients!

my Mimi in my 29 gallon tank doesn't eat anything but the sinking wafers that i feed my cories. He never comes to the top for food, he just plants himself in the middle of the open area I have and waits for a wafer to float to him. I figure if he looks and acts ok, he must be getting enough to eat.

infact, EVERYONE in my tank really likes those wafers...they must be good LOL


Large Fish
Aug 7, 2003
When I had my old Betta with bottom feeders, it would also snatch up the food on the bottom. The only way I could get the food to the Cories and ADFs, was by dropping Betta food in on one side of the tank, then quickly throw in the sinking food on the other side of the tank. By the time the Betta finishes his own food the real bottom feeders should already be over the food eating.