betta bowl


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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i know the best place for betta would be a tank with heater / filter etc
but sounds like betta can live in bowls too. i wonder if anyone has tried to put a mini heater / thermometer in a betta bowl?
i know it sounds crazy... but i'm worrying that Casper may get a bit too cold...
i'm putting him in a bowl now since i can't leave him with his babies -- and i can't put him with the female either.

or may be i should get another tank (i'm sure my mom is going to scream at me if i do add another tank!!)


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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A betta can be kept in a typical 'goldfish' bowl if you can do the following:

1. A bigger bowl is better. Anything under 1 gal should have a water change every 3 days maximum. Anything 1gal or bigger can be 25-30% water changes weekly maximum (without filter)

2. Cover the top of the bowl so he cannot jump out. A CD-disk is good for this, gives an air-hole and feeding slot. If you cover with anything else (plastic), make sure it has air-holes for air, but no bigger than 3/8" in any dimension because they can jump out.

3. Put the bowl in a 'warm' room. As long as the bowl temp never goes below 72F or change suddenly, the betta should be fine, but might be less active if the water is on the cooler side.

Do not use a mini-heater in anything less than a 2.5 gal. It will make too much temperature variance and your betta will get more stressed.

Optional Ideas...

4. Add an airstone to the bowl. It will reduce surface-scum and help keep the water moving a little. Use a airvalve to reduce the flow to a bare minimum. (Not the pumps full force). Put the airline hose through the CD hold (See #2 above)

5. Add some live plant (I use hornwart) to give him some cover.

Best Setup....

6. I would suggest you divide one of your 2.5 or bigger tanks and put Casper with a 'buddy' male. Sure they will flare at each other, but they will relalize that they cannot get at each other over time and will calm down.

You will be faced with doing this for all your male Fry (and some females too) VERY soon. After 10-12 weeks from birth, your betta juvies will need to be seperated (aka 'Jarred') into a divided tank setup or individual containers.

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Medium Fish
Oct 29, 2002
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I've found if you move the bowl somewhere higher up in a room the temp. will increase such as on a dresser vs. on a table. If you do get a bowl, don't get anything less than 1 gal. so you don't have to change the water more than once a week.