Betta choking?

Jun 28, 2003
Scottsdale, Arizona
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Now, since Den-Ki's home has a magnifying quality to it.. I didn't realize that the Betta Pellets I've been trying to feed him were too huge.

And I mean huge..

I was watching him eat, and the little bugger choked! He thrashed around a bit and finally spit his food up.

After that, I've been crushing his little pellets into littler pieces and he seems to be doing fine now, but are there any brands that have smaller 'portions'?

And also, while I'm out having my interview with PetsMart :D, I thought I'd pick up some bloodworms for him too.

Any brands espically better than most?



Large Fish
Nov 22, 2002
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HBH pellets are the smallest. My female betta used to like it. Hikari pellets are bigger than HBH but she seems to love it a lot. Even she can't swallow it at the first time, she spits it out and keeps trying. Wardley pellets are hugh and she doesn't touch them at all. She doesn't like Topfin dry bloodworms either.


New Fish
Jul 21, 2003
NS, Canada
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The only bloodworms I have ever seen were Tetra bloodworms. All of our fish LOVE them! (gouramis, bettas, cichlids..) I also have Wardley betta pellet-y things. At first Mufasa couldn't handle them, and he would chew, spit, chew, spit. But now he can eat them no problem. He prefers the blood worms, but I give him the pellets sometimes, too, since the bloodworms are apparently just supposed to be treats. But I had a HUGE female betta who swallowed them in one quick gulp!

Jun 28, 2003
Scottsdale, Arizona
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Oh my interview went great! :D

It's the PetsMart in the Desert Ridge shopping area (for those locals). I really impressed Jack (the interviewer). His eyes kinda got wide when I started whipping out the scientific names of the fish as we walked by the tanks. Hee heeeee! *rolls around in glee*

He called me like 15 minutes ago and asked if I minded working minimal hours until the specialist got transferred, of course not!

So yeah, me and this one tawny afro'ed guy will be running the aquatics department (hopefully!) He kinda looked like DenDen.. O.0

I just gotta keep my fingers crossed and my hopes up. And to keep on bugging Mr. Jack. :D

That is Sexy Betta Boy will only eat those big Wardley pellets. I had thought that they looked disproportionately large for his little mouth (and what a cute mouth it is!), so I got some other kind...I can't recall and don't feel like getting up (lol). The second type were much, much smaller than the Wardley, so I mistakenly thought that he would like them better, as they are easier to eat. WRONG! He won't touch them. And when I do try feeding them to him, he looks up at me like "Do you expect me to eat THOSE?" ! heheh. That goes to show how different each fish can be! :)