Betta constipation

Dec 25, 2004
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One of my bettas has had what I think is constipation for almost two months. Its stomach is a lot larger than my other betta's, and he doesn't look too healthy. I started feeding him green flakes instead of the betta bites cause they are more easily digested. I've added some aquarium salt. What else do you suppose i do? Oh, and i've also tried feeding him peas many times, but it doesn't seem to change anything. I let him fast a few days a week to see if that'll clean his system, but that hasn't helped either.


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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according to Iggy (which means this is almost certainly true) peas are not a good way to cure constipation in bettas. Although, I have to say, I don't think it coudl be constipated for two months and live. Can you tell us a bit more? how often are you feeding him? are you positive he is not going to the bathroom? Have you tried fasting him for a few days at a time? what are green flakes exactly? (as a side note vegetable based foods are not a good choice for carniverous bettas)

Dec 25, 2004
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Oh, haha, sorry. I don't know whether or not he's going to the bathroom, but his stomach has big chronicly enlarged. I read from that peas can work for constipation, but I dunno. And sorry, I didn't mean green flakes, I just meant the normal flakes. And I have tried fasting him. I don't think its dropsy though.

Anybody have any ideas?


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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the reason I ask is not to be gross, but obviously if he is going to the bathroom he is not constipated. If it were dropsy he would likely not be around for two months, or he would have progressed past looking chunky. Honestly, this will sound stupid, but if you have ruled out bacterial infections, dropsy and constipation, he could just be fat. I would cut back feedings, and perhaps supplement his diet with a bloodworm (frozen) or two instead of pellets, that's all I can think of.