Betta + cories + danios?


Small Fish
Mar 3, 2004
Princeton, NJ
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OK, I learn more each day, so hopefully I'll drive you all less crazy soon with fewer questions. :D

Anyway, in another forum, I noticed that a poster has a betta and 7 zebra danios in her 5-gallon tank. This is interesting. In my 6-gallon, my betta will be my top level fish, obviously. I was thinking of getting a couple of aeneus cories as my bottom-level fish, and I know they're compatible with bettas based on research and people's experiences here.

Now I'll come to the point of this post -- it'd be nice to have a couple of mid-level fish, but I'm thinking I probably don't have enough room. What do you all think? Plus, based on my research so far (remember, I'm a beginner), it seems mid-level fish swimmers tend to be schooling fish. So, obviously I couldn't have a betta, 2 cories and 4-5 danios. That would definitely be too much in a 6-gallon. Any ideas?

Actually, when I think about it, once there's gravel in the bottom, there wouldn't really be much of a mid-level. So, I guess I answered my own question. But I still think I'll post in case any of you have comments.

Thanks very much!

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Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Danios tend to be vicious fin nippers, and fin nippers are definate no-no's with bettas. Danios are also top-level fish, not mid-level, so all their activity and psyco speed swimming will probably bother a betta and shy them out of the lime-light into a corner.

Some people have had it work for them, some people have not. Knowing what I know of danios, I personally wouldn't risk the combination.

If you are looking for a colorful, mid-water type fish, try white cloud mountain minnows. They may not look like much when viewed in the store but they do color up nicely when well cared for.

Three white clouds added to the betta and two cories should not overload a six gallon too much provided they are small fish, but remember. The more fish you keep in a limited amount of space, the more work you have to do to keep up on tank maintance.



Small Fish
Mar 3, 2004
Princeton, NJ
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Thanks Flex26 and Colesea!
Upon further reflection, I remembered that a poster here said that aeneus cories would "get stunted" in a small tank, and I don't want that. So, I re-consulted my books, and sure enough, they'll rival my betta in size when full grown. So, one of those might work, but only if it doesn't mind being a lone cory with a betta. Evidently, the paleatus cory also gets to be nearly 3" long at maturity.

I just love cories, but I may just have to admire them in my books. We'll see.

Thanks for the reminder about fin-nipping by danios and info about their behavior in relationship to a betta. As for white cloud minnows, I've seen them and like them a lot.

Well, off to do more research ...


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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Small Fish
Mar 3, 2004
Princeton, NJ
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Thanks for the link! I'm just going by what my books say and also by what another poster here said, i.e. that the growth of some cories will be stunted in smaller tanks. What else do you have in your 6-gallon besides the cories?

Anyway, I'll keep the paleatus in mind. Thanks again for the info and reassurance. It's good to know you're keeping paleatus cories in a 6-gallon with no problem.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
There are also pygmy cories, that get to about an inch. I never find them where I live, but you might be luckier.

I keep an African dwarf frog with my betta in a 5g, and it seems to work well. Otos are another fish that a lot of people say get on well with bettas.


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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Lotus brings up a good cory to have in a 6g. However, I have yet to find pygmy cories around here as well.

I have 3 cories, 1 dwarf gourami, and 2 otos in my 6g. So, I kinda have the same setup but with the gourami instead of the betta.