Situation: 2.5 g tank with opaque glass dividers. 3 Bettas (crown tails). no filtration. unheated at night (ambient heat)... heated during day w/ desk lamp to about 75F... fake plant in each compartment to rest/hide against... standard gravel substrate... bi/monthly water change.
Betta #1: 'Scorpion' is located on the right side of the tank. He used to be a magnificent betta in a comunity tank with tetras til the fatal day I bought a barb to put in there. Barb was quickly fed to my large cichlids when Betta was beaten senseless. 'Scorpion' recovered and was growing his fins again until placed in new 2.5 gallon tank with other bettas. Lost coloring (now has white-ish streaks on sides) and dorsal/ventral fins are unimpressive.
Betta#2: 'Posiedon' is located on the left side of the tank. He seems to be struck with fin rot once per week... really odd. I hesitate to treat the tank with a med because it happens so irregularly. He appears fine normally... but occasionally I find some pieces of fin lying on the bottom of the tank. This is not due to an escape by another fish or by other fish grabbing him around the side of the divider.
Betta #3: If not for this fish I would blame the whole ordeal on stress. This fish, 'Zorro', is located between my two ailing fish. He is as normal as a betta can be.
Any Ideas on the ailing bettas?
Betta #1: 'Scorpion' is located on the right side of the tank. He used to be a magnificent betta in a comunity tank with tetras til the fatal day I bought a barb to put in there. Barb was quickly fed to my large cichlids when Betta was beaten senseless. 'Scorpion' recovered and was growing his fins again until placed in new 2.5 gallon tank with other bettas. Lost coloring (now has white-ish streaks on sides) and dorsal/ventral fins are unimpressive.
Betta#2: 'Posiedon' is located on the left side of the tank. He seems to be struck with fin rot once per week... really odd. I hesitate to treat the tank with a med because it happens so irregularly. He appears fine normally... but occasionally I find some pieces of fin lying on the bottom of the tank. This is not due to an escape by another fish or by other fish grabbing him around the side of the divider.
Betta #3: If not for this fish I would blame the whole ordeal on stress. This fish, 'Zorro', is located between my two ailing fish. He is as normal as a betta can be.
Any Ideas on the ailing bettas?