Betta dislikes?


Large Fish
May 7, 2006
Winter Haven Florida
Heyas there, still fairly new to the forums here. Ok well i purchased a 55g tank complete setup recently. Also included was 4 gouramis and one betta. Now the guy i got it from had the betta and gouramis together and said he never had any problems. So when my tank was setup and ready for fish i went to add the betta.....and well it seems he does not like the gouramis to much, especially the pink kissing lip one(?). The betta seems to like to flare up and chase the gourami around....then i think the gourami gets agitated and they begin swimming at each other....didnt see any biting but i took the betta out. Should i just leave him in there longer? Do you think hes letting them know where his territory is ?


Small Fish
May 17, 2006
honestly, the kissing gourami will get a bit too large for your tank to be kept comfortably in it, anyways. I believe they max out at 12 inches, and most 55 gallon tanks are only 13 or so inches deep.

As guppy stated (or tried to, anyways :) ), bettas and gouramis are related and will often squabble, so I'd recommend getting the betta his own set up. Even if there arent any problems right now, there probably will be later as the gouramis grow larger.

What kind of gouramis do you have, btw? There are many different types, so knowing what kind you have definitely helps in offering advice.


Large Fish
May 7, 2006
Winter Haven Florida
I have 4 gouramis atm, 1 pink kissing and 3 blue ones. Im currently trying to give them away to someone or may try my lfs. So my plans are to not have gouramis at all hehe. They just came with the tank and everything.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
The reason they got along before and not now, is because when you moved the tank (I assume you moved it), it got rearranged. All the territories were shuffled around and they had to reestablish territories. They're really territorial fish, and in the shuffle someone (the kisser) apparently lost out and doesn't have a territory anymore.