Betta Euthanasia


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
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Hey...anyone know the best was to euthanize a fish?? Without freezing them or crushing/cutting their heads off?? I heard something about water and baking soda?? My blue betta is really ill, and despite all medications, is not getting better, I've been treating him for almost 3 months...I don't want him to suffer any more than if and when the time comes I would like to put him down peacefully & without pain if possible??? Any suggestions would be appriciated. :(


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2003
Heres a link to Using Clove oil
Clove oil is used by vets to perform surgery on fish, it knocks them out, if overdosed the fish simply goes to sleep and doesnt wake up, very peaceful and a lot more efficient in my Vets opinion than trauma, decapitaion and most definaltly the freezer:(
Euthanasia is a sad fact of fishkeeping, one that almost all fishkeepers will encounter at some stage.
Hope it helps.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Sorry to hear that Iz.. I had the same issue with my last sick goldfish (Nana). I let the disease run its course, but next time it happens, I will do the humaine thing and help them expire quickly.

Clove oil is a good idea.


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
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Thanks mom think's I'm a suck cuz I am sooo concerned about the wellbeing of all animals...and I really do hate to see them suffer...I don't want to put Grover down (don't ask hehehe...) but I might have to eventually. The though of them freezing to death or even the brief pain of having their heads cut of or crushed is more than I can handle...I don;t think I could do it to be honest, but if I could just put him to sleep peacefully...that would be great!! I have had a few fish die already, I know it happens, you wake up in the morning & they're wrapped around the intake tube of your filter... but if I can make it as painless as possible, that's what I want to do. Thank you Supahtim, I really wish more people thought this way too. I mean fish are living, breathing creatures that deserve as much respect and care that people do in my opinion.
Quagarr...thanks for the info about the clove oil, I will definatly do that if I have to...I love this site if for nothing else but the support you get from the other members here!! Thank you everyone!!

Feb 22, 2003
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I know exactly how you feel I have a sick betta too and he's been like that for a month and isn't getting better....he doesn't eat and just floats on his side....he used to greet me for food when I opened the tank but now he just freaks out darts around smashing into everything....I think I'm going to try that oil way of putting him down.....I don't want to I'd rather he better but it's something I have to do.....


Small Fish
Nov 14, 2003
Western Canada
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This is wonderful information! I've felt the same way and always let nature take its course because I hated the idea of putting them in the freezer or lopping off their heads. I've lost so many fish and wept over every single one, poor things. Sadly, about half of them suffered before they finally died. Now I know what to do when the meds fail. Thank you so much!

p.s. - just wondering what kills them, the clove oil or the alcohol? I guess the clove oil anesthetises them and the alcohol does the rest?

Also, animal lover, have you tried some Melafix for your betta? Gordon had no apparent illness (no spots or anything visible) earlier this year but had rolled up his fins and tail and was lethargic at the bottom of the tank. I suspect the other fish were nipping at him actually. I moved him to his old 1.2 gal. bowl but he remained the same until I put some Melafix in and he perked up!

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Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
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I don't know if it's the alcohol or the clove oil, and I have not tried it yet, but I will keep you posted. So far Grover is doing fine, till eating like crazy & swimming well too. I have moved him into a 10 gal. (he's seperated at one end in about 1/3rd of the tank) with 2 of my cory's and my CAE..he's actually doing better, occationally flaring at his tank mates on the other side of the plastic barrier...I think he was actually lonely, and I think the warmer water in the 10 gal. as opposed to the 2.5 gal. has been good for him, just what the fish doctor ordered so to speak...;)
His tail fin has so far not shrunk any further which is good, I'm just gonna keep an eye on him for a while still though...however I'm grateful that if I have to, now or in the future, have to put a fish down, I can now do it quickly and painlessly!!


Small Fish
Nov 14, 2003
Western Canada
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Hi Izabeau, have you treated him for fin rot? It sounds as though he's still in pretty good shape if he's eating, flaring and swimming around. I'm sure you are well experienced in your fish-keeping and probably have treated him, but I just thought I'd ask. :)


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
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I am not that experienced, but thank you...I've only had fish since the spring of this year...but I read everything I can on the subject...and as I am sure some of you know, just simple trial and error (unfortunatly for some of the fish involved).
I have treated grover for fin and tail rot several dozen times with just about everything available on the market from bettafix & melafix to tetracylene etc... and his tail has never gotten any better, at least it had stopped shrinking and he seems happy and healthy and he is I said before, I think the move into one end of my 10 gal. has helped, more room, steady temp....he seems happy, he's always swimming to greet me when I come in my room, so I guess that's a good sign. I'm still watching him and his fins and if he starts to get sick again, I'll treat him again. Thank you for asking though. I'll keep you posted!! ;)