Betta filled with eggs?


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
well my female Betta who is in my 30 gallon tanks seems to be filled with eggs to look of it,i was wondering how it is possible since i did not condition her at all?

Also she's been living with my male Betta who's on the other side of a divider for at least 2 months already and i doubt he's the cause.

Also for a little more of a description of her it looks to be as if she's swallowed a marble*not possible lol*.
She does have ick and i have been treating her and the rest of my tank for it.
She gets 4 pellets a day *from directions on the bottle* 2 in the morning and 2 at night but i've dropped it to 2 i'm afraid she'll pop if she eats more then that D=.

I'd spawn her if i could but i don't have the necessary equipment or food for the babies.
Any clues what to do?Also i can not move her,or the male betta.