Betta fin rot?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
London, UK
Half of my Bettas tail has gone. There's one longish bit sticking out but the rest looks as if it's been neatly cut in half with scissors. I can't see any reddness or fungus or anything so for want of any other idea (he lives alone) I'm guessing at fin rot?
What is the best way to treat him please?


Medium Fish
May 26, 2003
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I give mine saltbaths in warm water for about 15 minutes for a few days until I see improvement. I keep my bettas in tanks/bowls ranging from 1-2.5g so it's also easier to give them daily water changes as well. I add a very small and diluted amount of Melafix into their water which almost always helps; I've had a betta that didn't take well to the Melafix but generally, I've had good results with it.

If it's a stubborn case of fin rot, say there's no improvement after a week, try anti-bacterial medication like Maracyn2. Hopefully you won't have to do that. I think super clean water and some nice luxurious salt baths will almost always do the trick and medication should be used as a last resort.

Mar 11, 2003
I would use some JFE on him. 1/4 tsp to a gallon, or just follow the directions if your tank is larger than that. It will turn the water yellow, but he should get better from it.



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
London, UK
I got talked into buying Melafix at my lfs (it's 1% melaleuca whatever that is) so he's had a weeks course of that. He's now tail less except for a neat stump. I don't know how I tell if he's cured? I suppose his other fins aren't involved so maybe that means he's ok now?
Anyway....can I keep treating with this stuff in cycles do you think....and how long will it take his tail to regrow?
I have a big family gathering at my house in a month and I'd like him to be looking lovely and healthy by then, so anything I can do to help him?
Thanks for all your advice :)

Mar 11, 2003
If he is cured, it will take a while for his fins to grow back and look lovely. The fin regeneration will most likely be clear/white. Sometimes they do get their color back, but in this case, probably not. Yes, you can keep using Melafix. Its a good medicine to use when you don't know whats wrong and for helping regeneration, because its an anti-biotic.


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Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Sounds a heck of a lot like fin rot. Use Jungle Anti-Fungus (aka JFE) it treats fin rot and fungus. Melafix will NOT (IMO) stop the disease and the rot may spread to his body. Treat him ASAP.

You can keep up the Melafix at the same time, it will help with re-growth of the fin. It will take a few weeks for his tail to grow back.

Fin-rot is not red, it looks whiteish, like dead skin. If you betta's fins are already white in color or opaque, you may not see it. Most fin rot is fungal but there is also a bacterial form of rot as well.

I have had good sucess when treating with Jungle Anti-Fungus - they are little yellow crystals you add to the tank, makes the water gold in color, and it should do the trick. Don't delay, fin-rot is not as deadly as body-rot.