Betta Fins losing colour??


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
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Hi there, fairly new betta owner here...with one really weird question. I have a big dark blue betta, very very beautiful, with red tips on his "facial fins??" and a golden's my question, about a week ago, all of a sudden, part of the lower tip of his tail went milky white..almost transparent, just like all the colour just drained out of that section of his tail...I thought it might be an infection or fungus, but his tail is healthy, no ragged ends or holes, it's not shrinking, and the patch has not gotten any larger, but the colour has not com back either...and it's not fuzzy like fungus. Now last night when I fed him, I noticed on his face/head that he has 2-3 "spots" that look like perfect circles and are very very light gray, but again not fuzzy. I have never seen anything like this before. I would have missed the spots except that when he swam over to where I was feeding him, he swam into the light and it showed briefly, so I looked at it with a flashlight and there is was. he's swimming and eating fine, as playfull as ever, I just wonder if I should be concerned? Could it be that he's old and just going gray? Do betta's lose their colour when they get older?? He is in a 2.5 gal. tank by himself, no airation or filter yet though, I was told betta's didn't need them as they breathe air from the surface, the temp is about 78-80, and I tested his water and amm., nit, etc... all 0.00. I changed his water last week.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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My betta fins grow-out white first, then darken to color, so maybe thats what is happening with yours.

Not sure about the facial spots, but older bettas do sometimes get lighter in color, especially thier heads I have heard.


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
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Thank you Iggy, I just was not sure and could not find anything on the net about it. It was not growing like an infection or fungus, and I have been watching him closely, as I said he seems to be fine, swimming and eating like usual, I just thought it was really weird. I looked at him again last night, and he seems to have lightened in colour all over a little, I mean he was so dark blue in spots, especially his head, that it was almost black, and now he's a lighter shade all over with the white section on his tail and the spots on his head??


Small Fish
Jul 15, 2003
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when you guys pick up betta with a net, do any of the tail ever break off? I have given my betta 100% water changes and when i scoop him out he goes crazy and small parts of his fin fall off. Does that me he's not healthy? I just bought him.


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
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I have to say that in all the times I have cleaned my betta tank and removed Blue, never have I had any part of his tail or fins, scales...nothing fall off. Might I suggest getting a finer mesh/cloth net as opposed to the standard green ones you usually get? I used to just use the fine mesh/cloth for my pleco to make sure his fins/spines didn't get stuck in the little green holes, but now I only use them for all my fish. No hassle, no risk of anyone getting stuck or fins, tails, etc...damaged. you also might want to try holding him gently in the bottom of the net to keep him from thrashing around to much when you are moving him in and out of the tank. Just a thought...good luck!:D

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