betta friends

Feb 27, 2009
"Will a betta fight ghost shrimp, catfish, guppies, or snails?"

(translated into an actual sentence).

A betta fish might eat shrimplettes, but an adult should be ok.

Shouldn't bother a catfish (but the catfish may eat the betta, depending on what KIND of catfish).

May consider guppies, especially those with bright colors, as potential rivals and attack them.

Shouldn't bother snails.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Male bettas don't make good community fish. I speak from experience on this one. I had my son's blue male betta, Gordon, in his 29gal tank in his room with guppies, platies, otos, and an upside down catfish and he was stressed the whole time even though he didn't bother anyone and they didn't bother him. I moved him out of there when I tore down the tank and he's MUCH happier in the divided 10gal with three other males (although I've been considering putting him into his own tank again because his colors still haven't come back and for some reason his neighbor HATES him and keeps trying to jump the divider to get in with Gordon...his neighbor is fine with the male on the other side, though).


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
...apparently female bettas make much better community tank citizens, although I have never kept one in a community tank. You could try a dwarf gourami maybe or a ram cichlid.
I've had two separate sororities (the first one lasted almost a year before the majority of the girls caught ick and I didn't catch it in time, so they ended up passing) and have never had ANY major problems. Right now I have five betta girls (plus one that's in iso being treated for cotton mouth :( ) and have never had anything more than a couple of nipped fins when I introduce a new girl and they need to figure out the pecking order again (but that doesn't happen every time I add a new girl). The biggest sorority I've kept was nine and they did fine with other community fish (except delta tail male guppies...they didn't like the long fins). My current sorority is in a 55gal with two guppies (one female and one short-tailed male), five full-grown platies, one two-month-old platy fry, a few newborn platy fry, three kuhli loaches, three albino cories, a couple of otos and an upside down catfish, and everyone is fine and happy.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
my bettas used to harass ghost shrimp to death, eating legs and whatnot until they died.

right now mine has 2 snails keeping him company (one of which changed colors overnight...really freaky)

just no tankmates with long fins or bright reds for my bettas.