Betta gasping for air! ):


Small Fish
Dec 11, 2011
Today I did a water change in my bettas 5 gallon tank. I changed about a gallon and a half of water. After I changed his water, I also fixed the background of his tank (it was coming off a little, so I used a little bit of baby oil to glue it onto the back, and then taped the edges) since he was flaring at some spots every once in awhile. Now, he won't stop flaring at one corner of the tank. I also have a bubble bar along the back of the tank, so anytime he tries to go flare at his reflection, he ends up getting pushed up by the bubbles and trying to fight the current down. He'll keep going at the corner for a minute or so, then stop to rest in a plant, and sit there gasping for air. He's been doing this for at least an hour now. He also has his mouth completely wide open. I'm guessing he's doing this from being so stressed from his reflection.

BUT, I'm also concerned that it's the change in pH. The tap water on my college campus is terrible (nitrates of about 30, pH of above 8.8, the highest my test kit will read) so when I went home for the weekend last weekend, I brought back a couple of gallons of water from home to try to reduce the nitrates. The pH of my water at home is 7.8. Ever since I came back to school from home, I've been replacing the water that evaporated with the water from home. So when I changed about a gallon and a half of water today, I didn't think it would effect the pH too drastically. I just tested my pH, and it's at a solid 8.2.

Is it the drop in pH that's causing the big problem? Or the stress? Or a combination of the two? Right now I have both his tank light off and the lights in my room around his tank to try to eliminate whatever reflection he's finding. He's calmed down a little bit, but still returns to the corner to flare about every 5 minutes. And what can I do about the pH? Should I do another water change (maybe like 3/4 of a gallon?) and fill the tank with tap water from my school to bring the pH back up? Or would that stress him out even more?

Sorry for the long post and I appreciate any advice you guys have for me!


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I would turn the bubble bar off and take the back ground off to see if it made a difference. Then you could introduce one of them back and see if you could isolate the problem.


Small Fish
Dec 11, 2011
I tried doing both, and it seems to have made it worse. I turned the lights off in my room and in the tank, took off the background, turned off the bubble bar, and even threw a towel over the back of the tank. But now he won't even take a break from flaring, he just won't stop. I just don't understand it because I've never had this issue before, and I haven't changed anything in my tank.


Small Fish
Dec 11, 2011
Right now I have the background back on the tank and the bubble bar turned off. His mouth is closed now and he stopped gasping, which makes me feel a lot better! :) But he still won't stop flaring. He's just sitting at the back, staring at the background flaring.


Small Fish
Dec 11, 2011
I plugged my bubble bar back in not too long ago, and he's really calmed down a lot :) He's just chillin' in his grass now :) I did end up doing another 3/4 gallon water change to bring the pH back up a little bit, and that seemed to help a lot. Thanks! :)