There are a total of four bettas in my household. All of the bettas appear to be the same size as when we bought them. I have read that Bettas can get up to 4". Two bettas are at least 2 - 2.5 inches, one betta is about 1.5- 2 inches and the smallest betta is about 1 inch. How long does it take bettas to get to their full size? I have two friends that each have a betta. Both bettas are huge at least four inches. One of the bettas I bought for my friend in September, and the betta was only about an inch. How did he grow so fast? Was it because he was feeding him 10-12 pellets a day, sometimes twice a day? (He is now only feeding him once a day about four pellets and the betta seems angry at him.) Please let me know the timetable for bettas to grow to their capacity. Thanks so much.