Betta growth

Sep 10, 2004
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There are a total of four bettas in my household. All of the bettas appear to be the same size as when we bought them. I have read that Bettas can get up to 4". Two bettas are at least 2 - 2.5 inches, one betta is about 1.5- 2 inches and the smallest betta is about 1 inch. How long does it take bettas to get to their full size? I have two friends that each have a betta. Both bettas are huge at least four inches. One of the bettas I bought for my friend in September, and the betta was only about an inch. How did he grow so fast? Was it because he was feeding him 10-12 pellets a day, sometimes twice a day? (He is now only feeding him once a day about four pellets and the betta seems angry at him.) Please let me know the timetable for bettas to grow to their capacity. Thanks so much. :)

May 14, 2004
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most bettas that you buy are usually already at their full grown length(not including tail+finnage),aren't they? i bought my betta last year, and he's always stayed the same size. his finnage grew way out after about three months of taking good care of him, but then he ripped it off on a plastic plant one day. it took him another two to three months to grow his fins back, but now they are all jagged and gimpy looking

Sep 10, 2004
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Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. I thought I was underfeeding my bettas. The betta I bought for my friend in September 2004 was about an inch. I saw the betta a couple of months after that, and he had grown to about 2 - 2.5 inches. Now my friend says he is about 3.5 to 4 inches. Of course, this is the same friend that was feeding his betta 10-12 pellets a day, sometimes twice a day. Yikes! My bettas are vibrant in color, very active and have lots of personality.