betta has ripped fins


Medium Fish
Apr 30, 2004
greenville, sc
I have a male and a female betta in a 10 gallon tank with a plastic, clear, perferated? divider. They have been living together for the last 2 months just fine. They seem to get along as well as expected. There is plastic plants and a ceramic neon cave on each side, so they dont have a full view of each other. Now to the question, a few days ago i noticed that my male betta has ripped fins, all of them, not too bad but very frayed. When i first bought him the fins were the same way, but i figured it was due to shallow water and poor conditions that his fins were in such bad shape. The female's fins are fine, perfect, but not his. No signs of stress or sharp objects to rip fins on. Cant really figure out whats going on. 1st, its contagious i think, which means both would have fin rot, and 2nd, should i take him out and treat him, or leave them both in tank and treat with that Melafix??? ( spelling bad) which i just went out and bought but not added just yet. So any opions on it being fin rot or something else? No fungus or white spots or any other symptoms. Comments and opions are greatly appriciated. Thank you.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
There won't be any harm to dose Melafix to the female. The disease that causes finrot is generally in the water all the time, and will become a disease when the fish's immune system is low. The most common causes for fin rot are poor water quality and low temperatures. Check the temperature (especially when it's coldest at night), and you might want to do some extra water changes. I would also check the plastic plants to make sure there aren't any sharp edges. Bettas have thin fins that can be easily damaged by something that doesn't seem sharp to you.


Medium Fish
Apr 30, 2004
greenville, sc
The temp. has been fairly low, in the mid 60's to mid 70's. He hovers around the base of the plants and rolls around. Hes not a crowntail, but his fins do resemble them. Hes just an old wal-mart fish barley hanging in there. ( I know i should buy them there but i had the space and he looked so pitiful, but still lively.) I admit i have been slacking on the wt. chgs, down to 1 change every 2 weeks (i got lazy) and theres no filter running in the tank. but thank you for your comments and replys, they are greatly appriciated. Thank you. (going to start the melafix tonight).