betta in a tank with my fish?

hey guys i was thinking or maybe acutaly wondering, anyways i was wondering if my tank could house a betta, all my fish are listed in my signature so if someoen could tell me if they a betta would go good with my fish and do bettas just eat tropical fish flake food? or do i have to buy the special pellet stuff? and do they get aggressive? i had an angel once that got quite agressive so i gave it away yesterday :(


Medium Fish
May 20, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
No, a betta would not work with mollies and guppies (they'll kick the stuffing out of each other) even in a tank that's 50 gallons. Bettas are aggressive fish (like Angels), and while some tend to be "mellower" than others, it's never a good idea to add one to a tank with guppies and mollies.

You could always get a Minibow 2.5 gallon tank and have a single betta housed in that instead.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
Yup, AquaticGem said it... a male betta will sooner or later go after guppies and perhaps mollies.

A gourmie might be a better solution. Has anyone experience gouramies killing guppies here?

Mar 11, 2003
I have three dwarf gouramis with a bunch of guppies, adults and babies. One of the reasons I got the dwarfs was population control on the guppies....well they certainly DO get along pretty dang well because I have a real overload of gups, lol. I haven't had any problems with my fish getting along, although some people might have different experiences. I have found that as long as your tank is set up with enough territory (plants, hiding places, ect) than they won't have much to fight over. The gouramis are generally slower moving than the guppies, which tend to just spaz out and swim anywhere in the tank.
