Not an Eclipse Explorer, it was a 2 gallon Aquatic Gardens Hex with a UGF. That one on the counter at work did wonderfully for several months, he was a beautiful purple color, then some bastard sold him >
Every time I put the pretty purple bettas in that hex, sure enough -that's- the one every customer has to want, no matter how often I say "he's mine, you can't have him, go away, he's mine mine mine!" some bastard goes and sells 'im when I'm off shift. The white clouds are gone too, I took them out cause I got bored with them. But bettas have been in that tank on and off without ill effects, but they never stay in there long enough to tell either way.
Currently sitting on my counter at work I have the 2 gallon Aquatic Gardens Hex UGF with a white betta in it (not as pretty as the purple ones, but he'll do) since last night, and the smallest CAE I have ever seen, an' he's been in there since two months ago. Nobody ever knows he's there, so he hasn't been sold (yet).
Then there is the Eclipse Explorer next to it with the baby bluegill. He's a beautiful baby, and I truely wish I had some other place to put him! I'm afraid if I put him with anything else he'll get sold. I put a baby bluegill in with the painted turtle, and now I can't find it, so I'm really hoping he's hiding underneath the rock display and didn't get chowed upon. I could remove the bluegill from the Explorer and try a betta in there, it just never occured to me before because, well, I had the white clouds in there first, then took them out to make a home for a baby crayfish and the two baby bluegill, then some bastard sold my crayfish, and I put one bluegill with the turtle, so now I have only one bluegill.