Betta in love?

Mar 28, 2003
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I don't know if fish can fall in love, but in my betta's tank is a little turtle statue, and if the table is accidentally banged betta swims right on over to the turtle and curls behind it, like he's protecting (or hiding behind) it. In fact, once the lights go off he lays (lies?) next to it to rest. I've even had a bit of trouble cleaning the tank because betta won't let me move the turtle so I can vaccuum the gravel. He'll puff up and dart at me. In fact, some days he'll lay (lie?) in front of it and just sit gazing at it.

Can "fish fall in love" like that or is he just extremely protective?


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
my betta acts very weird around certain things too... i had an old lid from a tub of fish food floating in the tank as my frog used to like to jump out. the betta sits underneath it and blows bubbles up. months ago i asked if it was normal for him to press himself up against the "in" part of my filter so that he was sucked up against it... apparently this is harmless as he's still alive to puff at anything that comes near the floating lid!