Betta Lazy?

Jan 15, 2006
I bought a betta from the store and he is so ugly that he is cute. Well he has not been swimming around alot. With all the other betta's i have had NONE of them refused to swim around there tank. Im just questioning if i should be concerned that he's sick or just plain lazy and soaking up the life away from the store.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I don't have experience with keeping bettas - but I've read (on this site) that sometimes the bettas muscles need a little time to recover after being in a little cup in the store for so long. They don't really have room to swim around. I don't know if this is the case with yours. When did you get him and what size tank did you put him in? Has he been eating? Do you have a heater?
I would keep an eye on him for a couple days and see if anything changes.

Jan 15, 2006
he is still lazy, i did a little research online about bettas and he fits the criteria for bacterial infection. He is white and has red spots on his head near his eyes. if i had a camera i would take a pic and show you but the pic the site had of a betta with bacterial infection looked like mine. So im going to get some tetracylin (i think thats how u spell it) and try it. Poor little guy...

A Bacteria infection is easy to get rid of, if you go to they will tell you the meds you need, but most likly I would suggest adding a little aquarium salt to your water just incase it's outer bacterial infections, if it's inside.

Feed him some betta Biogold insted of fish flakes, it will bring up his emmune systum. You could also check on betta colors, some bettas are white by nature with red spots all over the body, I saw one that won a contest for best in type called the Corriander betta, it was pearly white colored with blood red spots on it's head to apear like a sword shark =3 it was cool , but if he's lazy it's most likly Internal Parasites . And for both you dont even need to go to Bettatalk,com to find out o_o just clean his water and be sure the filter is working, if you dont have a filter o_o get a tube, a one inch filter stone, a Hawkey air filter, and make the light only be on for 8 hours a day insted of the more liked 12 hours for your betta cause it will help him dyjest biogold faster pushing the bacteria where meds will help.

Then before puting him in after aclimating, put in a desent amount of AQUATIC tetracyclin, then after you do that put in some Aquarium salt * no murine salt please X_X!!!. And place him in the water after 20 mins.
Every week do another water change, and repeat the prossess intill they go away ( 4-8 weeks)

If it still doesint go away it may be in depth and I wouldint give up on him o.o,. On the 8th water change get rid of the tetracyclin and in place use a half a teaspoon more of Aquarium salt, and put in some kanamycin you can find both meds in your local pet store under filtration- animal health produse if it doesint have a fish area. Then use that for another four weeks or untill it clears up and he starts acting more happy =3 After that do a final water change on the fith week and put less then the suggested dose of kanamycin
or tetracyclin In so it doesint become dependent, then in two weeks do another full water changes and leave it with only a teaspoon or less of aquarium salt, after that he should be just fine and every month do another half teaspoon aquarium salt since he possably is weak to bacterial infections and will need this the rest of his fishie life so he will be safe =3.

Trust me, that always works and I have seen it o.o.

if you still need help >

I always hate pet stores that let them get into that condision ><Mine had that and advanced stages of fin rot when I got him, then a few days laiter he got Inflamed Gills, then he had Tuberculosis and now any fish I put into his tank die away imediatlyX_X...

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Jan 15, 2006
thank you everyone, tomorrow i get payed and the first thing i will buy is the meds. The water i get him is purified water so i will put some salt into it. He is in one of those big one gallon fish bowls.